On December 01, 2021, DeeperEngaged™ Social Impact Went Live
On Wednesday, December 01, 2021, DeeperEngaged™ for Social Impact went live:
Collaboration for Deeper Social Impact Programs & Services
Delivery, Management and Oversight of Deeper Social Impact.
DeeperEngaged™ Social Impact turns knowledge, passion and will into seeding, scaling and collaboration of and between social programs designed for deeper social impact. DeeperEngaged™ Social Impact incorporates actionable steps to the services to that provide safety nets and install in those nets ladders to prosperity for all. Leaders now have an integrated services delivery, management and accountability platform that maximizes resources, reach and growth.
Visit: https://www.deeperengagedsi.com
Coming up next: DeeperEngaged™ for Healthcare
In the coming months: Public Safety, and Faith and Church
Half of all healthcare spending is wasted. Navitent Platform is designed to prevent that waste while also a) creating workforce resiliency by reducing administrative complexity, workforce stress, nursing fatigue, burnout, resignation, and lost institutional knowledge and b) addressing social justice by guaranteeing access to care delivery, reducing delay in care, enabling seamless care coordination and transition and ensuring evidence-based equity of outcomes.
White Paper by Navitent Founder and CEO Haile Clay - December 2021
Featured CribGrownArt™ Artist: Adaeze Regina Chukwuka has Added New Art:
Adaeze (uh-DAY-zee) Chukwuka is a Stanford student and digital artist who spends her spare time crafting artistic social systems as a means of truly understanding the human experience. She enjoys writing, storyboarding, and illustrating. Support her art and our cause.
Visit: https://cribgrownshop.com
CribGrown™ GoFundMe Campaign is Live!
Fund Social Justice Through Achievement
“Social Justice is not just about ending systemic racism, it is also about changing lives and elevating those that have been the victim of injustice so that they can take their place of excellence in the arena of the American Dream.” - Haile Clay
Visit: https://gofund.me/10216e0e
LeadingResiliency™ 2022 is Being Updated
LeadingResiliency™ 2022 - Restoring a resilient workforce and correcting workforce bias that caused The Great Resignation
We are lining up an exciting and engaging list of speakers for a March 2022 conference.
Keep Up to Date: http://leadingresiliency.com
Are you in: check out the Navitent asking that question: https://www.deeperengagedsj.com/navitent/leadingresiliency/leadingresiliency™forebsocialjustice:areyouin?
Federal NIH Research Grants - Low Resource Mental Health Access, Equity and Case Transition
Navitent is an evidence-based platform. To that end, we are currently submitting grant proposals to the National Institutes of Health with for Mental Health Outcomes in Low Resourced Communities.
View Funding Descriptions: https://www.navitenthbia.com/federal-research/2021-22-proposals